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Planning Your Kilimanjaro Climb: The Best Months Revealed


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Climbing Kilimanjaro: When’s the Best Time?

  • Best Season: December to March & June to October
  • Warm Conditions: January & February
  • Wet Seasons: March to May (Long rains); November (Short rains)
  • Dry and Cool: July to October

Embarking on a journey to climb Kilimanjaro is not just a physical challenge; it’s an adventure that takes you through the heart of Tanzania’s towering beauty. Kilimanjaro, Africa’s highest peak, draws adventurers from all corners of the globe, offering them a unique blend of natural wonders, diverse ecosystems, and the ultimate test of endurance.

Deciding on when to climb Kilimanjaro is crucial. With its varied climates and weather patterns, the mountain can present different faces throughout the year. Generally, the best times to embark on this adventure are during the dry seasons: December through March and from June to October. These months offer clearer skies and more temperate conditions, ideal for those aiming to reach the summit.

Your journey to Kilimanjaro is not just about conquering its height but also embracing Tanzania’s rich cultural and natural heritage. Let’s prepare for this thrilling climb as we uncover the secrets of when to embark on this unforgettable adventure.

Infographic describing the best times to climb Kilimanjaro, highlighting optimal climbing months with brief weather descriptions and tips for climbers. - best time to climb kilimanjaro infographic infographic-line-5-steps

Best Time to Climb Kilimanjaro

When planning your adventure to the roof of Africa, knowing the best time to climb Kilimanjaro is crucial for a successful and enjoyable experience. The mountain’s unique location near the equator means that it doesn’t experience the four traditional seasons like other parts of the world. Instead, Kilimanjaro has two distinct dry seasons, which are the optimal times for climbing.

Dry Seasons: December-March & June-October

December to March marks the first dry season. This period offers warm weather and relatively clear skies, especially in the mornings and evenings. While occasional brief showers can occur, they rarely disrupt the trek significantly. This season is perfect for climbers looking to enjoy stunning views and comfortable temperatures.

Following a brief rainy season, June to October presents the longest dry spell on Kilimanjaro. These months are cooler compared to the December-March period but offer the driest conditions, making them ideal for climbing. The skies are mostly clear, providing climbers with spectacular views of the surrounding landscapes and starry nights.

Weather Conditions & Temperature

Understanding the weather conditions and temperature variations at different altitudes on Kilimanjaro can significantly impact your climbing experience. As you ascend, you’ll pass through five distinct climate zones, each offering unique challenges and scenery.

  • Lower Slopes: Warm and humid, with the highest rainfall. Rain gear is essential.
  • Rainforest Zone: Cooler, with frequent mists and occasional rains.
  • Heath and Moorland: Mild temperatures with less rainfall.
  • Alpine Desert: Hot during the day, cold at night, with very little precipitation.
  • Arctic Zone: Freezing temperatures, with potential snowfall at the summit.

Climbers should be prepared for cold temperatures at higher altitudes, especially at night. The temperature can drop below freezing in the alpine desert and arctic zones, so warm, layered clothing is essential.

Why These Months?

Climbing during the dry seasons minimizes the risks associated with rain, such as slippery trails and poor visibility. Additionally, these periods offer the best chances for unobstructed views of Kilimanjaro’s breathtaking landscapes and the African plains below.

However, it’s important to note that weather on Kilimanjaro can be unpredictable. Even during the dry seasons, climbers should be prepared for sudden weather changes and pack accordingly.

In Summary

The best time to climb Kilimanjaro is during its dry seasons, from December to March and June to October. These months offer the most favorable weather conditions, including lower chances of precipitation, clearer skies, and more stable temperatures. By choosing the right time to climb, you’ll enhance your chances of a successful summit and enjoy the incredible beauty of Kilimanjaro to the fullest.

Let’s explore the different routes to the summit and their success rates, helping you choose the best path for your adventure.

With this information in hand, climbers can make informed decisions about when to schedule their Kilimanjaro trek, ensuring a memorable and rewarding experience on Africa’s highest peak.

Climbing Kilimanjaro: Month by Month Analysis

When planning the best time to climb Kilimanjaro, understanding the mountain’s weather patterns month by month can make a huge difference in your experience. Let’s dive into what each month holds for climbers.

Climbing Kilimanjaro in January & February

These months are the warmest, making them a top choice for many climbers. Expect clear skies and sunny mornings, perfect for those breathtaking sunrise views. However, be prepared for occasional showers that can add a bit of unpredictability to your trek.

Climbing Kilimanjaro in March, April & May

This period marks the long rainy season on Kilimanjaro. The trails can get wet and muddy, and visibility may drop, hiding some of the mountain’s stunning views. But, if you’re someone who finds peace in solitude, these months offer quieter paths and campsites.

Climbing Kilimanjaro in June

June is a transition month, moving from the rainy season to drier conditions. While the skies start to clear up, it’s still colder, and the clouds might obscure the views. This month attracts fewer climbers, offering a more solitary journey up the mountain.

Climbing Kilimanjaro in July, August, September & October

Welcome to the long dry season. These months are colder but offer much drier conditions, making the trek more comfortable. You’ll enjoy clear, sunny skies and spectacular views. However, these are also popular months, so expect the trails to be busier.

Climbing Kilimanjaro in November

November introduces the short rainy season, with afternoon rains common. Yet, the mornings and evenings often remain clear, allowing for enjoyable treks if you’re prepared for the rain. This month sees fewer climbers, offering a more peaceful experience.

Climbing Kilimanjaro in December

The short rainy season continues into early December but doesn’t deter climbers looking for a festive adventure. The latter part of the month, leading into the New Year, becomes a popular time to climb, with the weather stabilizing and offering warmer days and clearer skies.

Each month on Kilimanjaro brings its own set of challenges and rewards. Whether you’re after solitude, clear skies for photography, or simply looking for the best weather, there’s a perfect time for you to embark on this majestic trek. The mountain’s weather can be unpredictable, so always come prepared for anything. We’ll discuss how to prepare for your Kilimanjaro trek, from fitness training to packing the right gear.

Kilimanjaro Climbing Routes and Success Rates

When planning your Kilimanjaro climb, choosing the right route is as crucial as picking the best time to climb Kilimanjaro. Each route offers a unique experience, varying levels of difficulty, and different success rates. Let’s delve into the most popular routes and what they mean for your summit chances.

Marangu Route: The “Coca-Cola” Route

  • Description: Known as the “Coca-Cola” route, Marangu is often considered the easiest path to Uhuru Peak. It’s the only route offering hut accommodations, making it a bit more comfortable, especially in unpredictable weather.
  • Success Rate: Despite its reputation as an easier climb, the Marangu route has a lower success rate, around 65%, primarily due to its shorter duration which limits acclimatization opportunities.
  • Acclimatization: Offers the least acclimatization due to its direct path and shorter duration.

Machame Route: The “Whiskey” Route

  • Description: The Machame route is more challenging than Marangu and is known for its beautiful scenery. It’s a tented route, which means you’ll be camping out in the elements.
  • Success Rate: The success rate is higher on this route, around 80%, thanks to its longer duration which allows for better acclimatization.
  • Acclimatization: Better acclimatization opportunities due to its longer trek and more varied altitudes.

Lemosho Route: The Scenic Path

  • Description: Lemosho is celebrated for its scenic beauty, offering climbers stunning vistas and a more remote, less crowded path. It merges with the Machame route at Shira Camp.
  • Success Rate: With a success rate of approximately 95% on 8-day climbs, Lemosho stands out as one of the best choices for those prioritizing summit success.
  • Acclimatization: Excellent acclimatization profile due to its longer duration and gradual ascent.

Rongai Route: The Remote Northern Path

  • Description: Approaching from the north, the Rongai route is drier and more remote than others. It’s known for a more gentle ascent and potentially spotting wildlife.
  • Success Rate: Success rates for the Rongai route are around 85%, benefiting from its gradual ascent and fewer crowds.
  • Acclimatization: Offers a good acclimatization profile, similar to Lemosho but with less traffic.

Success Rates and Acclimatization

Success rates across these routes can vary widely, from around 65% to 95%. The key to a successful summit lies not just in physical preparation but significantly in choosing a route that offers the best acclimatization opportunities. Longer routes like Lemosho and Rongai provide a more gradual ascent, allowing your body to adjust to the altitude, which is crucial for avoiding altitude sickness.

Important Note: While the Marangu route might seem appealing due to its shorter duration and hut accommodations, consider that its quicker ascent could hinder proper acclimatization, affecting your summit success. On the other hand, routes like Lemosho, although longer and requiring camping, offer a higher success rate due to better acclimatization.

In conclusion, when planning your Kilimanjaro adventure, consider not only the physical challenge but also the route’s acclimatization profile. Your journey to the roof of Africa will be unforgettable, with the right preparation, route choice, and mindset. As we proceed, we’ll explore how to prepare for this life-changing trek, from fitness training to essential gear packing.

Preparing for Your Kilimanjaro Trek

Getting ready for your Kilimanjaro climb is much more than packing a bag and booking a flight. It’s about preparing your body, understanding the risks, and having the right gear. Let’s dive into how you can best prepare for this adventure.

Fitness Training

Climbing Kilimanjaro is not a walk in the park. It’s a physical challenge that demands endurance, strength, and stamina. Start your fitness training months in advance. Focus on:

  • Cardio exercises: Running, cycling, and swimming to boost your stamina.
  • Strength training: Work on your leg muscles and core strength. These are crucial for hiking.
  • Practice hikes: Go on long hikes with a weighted backpack. This simulates the conditions you’ll face on Kilimanjaro.

The fitter you are, the more you’ll enjoy the trek.

Altitude Sickness

Altitude sickness is a real concern on Kilimanjaro. It can affect anyone, regardless of fitness level. To minimize the risk:

  • Choose a route with a gradual ascent: Like the Lemosho route, to help your body acclimatize.
  • Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout your trek.
  • Know the symptoms: Such as headache, nausea, and dizziness. Inform your guide if you feel unwell.

Taking it slow and allowing your body to adjust is key.

Hiking Gear

The right gear can make or break your trek. Invest in quality:

  • Footwear: Durable, waterproof hiking boots to keep your feet dry and protected.
  • Clothing: Layers are your friend. Pack for all weather conditions, from hot days to freezing nights.
  • Daypack: A comfortable pack to carry your water, snacks, and extra layers.

Don’t forget a good quality sleeping bag rated for low temperatures, as nights can be very cold.

Camping Equipment

While porters will carry the bulk of your camping equipment, it’s wise to know what’s being provided. Typically, this includes:

  • Tents
  • Sleeping mats
  • Cooking equipment

Ensure the tour operator uses high-quality equipment to enhance your comfort and safety.


The Kilimanjaro Porters Assistance Project (KPAP) is vital for porter welfare. When choosing a tour operator, make sure they are KPAP partners. This ensures:

  • Fair wages for the porters
  • Proper gear for their protection
  • Reasonable load limits

Supporting KPAP is part of responsible travel on Kilimanjaro.

By focusing on these key areas, you’re setting yourself up for a successful and enjoyable trek to the summit of Kilimanjaro. Fitness, understanding altitude sickness, having the right gear, and choosing a responsible tour operator are all crucial steps in your preparation. Kilimanjaro is not just a physical challenge but an incredible adventure that requires careful planning and respect for the mountain and its people.

Frequently Asked Questions about Climbing Kilimanjaro

Can a Beginner Climb Kilimanjaro?

Yes, a beginner can climb Kilimanjaro. The trek is non-technical, meaning you don’t need prior climbing experience or specialized equipment to reach the summit. However, it’s not a walk in the park. The main challenges are the altitude and the camping conditions. Preparing your body through fitness training and understanding how to manage altitude sickness are key. Also, getting used to camping if you’re not already can make your journey more enjoyable.

What is the Success Rate of the Kilimanjaro 5 Day Climb?

The success rate for climbers on the 5-day Marangu Route, also known as the “Coca-Cola” route, is lower compared to longer routes. This is mainly because the body needs time to adjust to the high altitude, and the shorter the climb, the less time there is to acclimatize. Success rates can vary, but generally, longer routes have a higher success rate. For a better chance at reaching Uhuru Peak, consider a route that allows more time for acclimatization.

How Many Days Do You Need to See Kilimanjaro?

To fully experience Kilimanjaro and increase your chances of a successful summit, a six or seven-day climb is recommended. This gives your body time to acclimatize to the altitude, making the trek safer and more enjoyable. Plus, if you’re coming to Tanzania, why not explore more? Adding a few days to your trip allows you to visit other incredible locations like the Serengeti, Ngorongoro Crater, or the beautiful island of Zanzibar. Each offers a unique experience that complements your Kilimanjaro adventure.

In summary, climbing Kilimanjaro is an achievable dream for beginners willing to prepare properly. Opting for a longer route increases your summit success rate. And if you’re making the journey to Tanzania, consider extending your stay to explore the country’s stunning wildlife and landscapes.


As we wrap up our guide to climbing Kilimanjaro, it’s clear that this adventure is more than just a trek. It’s a journey into the heart of Tanzania, offering a window into the soul of the land and its people. At Tanzania Tribe Safari, we’re not just about guiding you to the summit; we’re about crafting a lifetime experience that resonates with the spirit of responsible travel and the welfare of those who make your journey possible.

Tanzania Tribe Safari stands out for its commitment to responsible travel. We understand that climbing Kilimanjaro is a privilege that comes with a responsibility to protect and preserve the mountain’s delicate ecosystems and to support the local communities that welcome us into their homeland. This commitment extends to ensuring the fair treatment and welfare of our porters—the unsung heroes of every Kilimanjaro climb. Through our partnership with organizations like KPAP, we ensure that our porters are not only paid well above the industry standard but also equipped with the right gear and treated with the respect they deserve.

Choosing to climb with us means embarking on a journey that respects the natural beauty of Kilimanjaro and honors the culture and dignity of its people. It’s about creating memories that last a lifetime, not just for you but for everyone involved in making your climb a success.

So, as you contemplate this once-in-a-lifetime adventure, the best time to climb Kilimanjaro is when you choose a partner who values the mountain and its community as much as you do. Let’s make your dream climb a reality with Tanzania Tribe Safari, where every step you take on the mountain is a step towards a more sustainable and equitable world.

Thank you for considering us as your guide on this incredible journey. Together, we can reach new heights and make a positive impact, one step at a time.

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Kathleen Borchlewicz

Tanzania Tribe Safari is an exceptional organization focused on delivering a customized Tanzanian experience to its customers. I highly recommend them to anyone interested in traveling to Tanzania in search of a one-of-a-kind experience.

Erica Jackson

The trip of a lifetime! Tanzania Tribe Safari created a seamless experience for us from wonderful hotels and a tented camp to a safari experience that kept us in awe. Our safari guide Amini wore many hats during our trip and had eyes of an eagle!

Christina Woodside

Oh my gosh! Where do I start? My three sisters and I booked a trip to Tanzania and Zanzibar through Tanzania Tribe Safari. It can be marked as a trip of a lifetime! Our safari guide, Amini was very knowledgeable about the animals and terrain.